James E. West Fellowship

Merit Badge Astronomy

Merit Badge Astronomy
Registration Begins
7/2/2021 8:00 AM
Last Day To Register
8/6/2021 7:30 AM
Camp McConnell Boy Scouts of America
11760 Livingston Cressey Rd, CA 95334, US
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The last date for registration has passed.

Merit Badge Class at Camp McConnell

Check in at:7:30 pm

Approximate end time:10:00am

Merit Badge classes are limited to 20 scouts for this session.  Refer to general instructions below to be prepared for your workshops!

General Instructions:

  1. Each Scout must bring:
    • Blue card signed by their Unit Leader for each Merit Badge
    • Appropriate Merit Badge Pamphlet
    • Pen, paper, and all other material required for the specific Merit Badge.
  2. Scouts must bring appropriate proof of completion of all prerequisites and be prepared to discuss, report, and demonstrate on all prerequisites.
  3. Each Scout must complete all prerequisites before class. All written work including worksheets and drawings must be brought to class.  To be unprepared is not fair to those who have prepared and to the Counselors reviewing the subjects.  Remember, Merit Badges are EARNED, not given out!
  4. Lunch will be provided for Scouts taking Merit Badge, $5 for all others.
  5. The Cost is $20.00 per scout 


Merit Badge Astronomy

$20.00 per Participant
Late fee
After 8/2/2021 a fee of $25.00 will apply.
Cancellation Policy
All fees are non-refundable Please direct all questions/concerns to the Council (209) 545-6320.