I promise to uphold the ideals of the Hispanic Youth Leadership Council in my relations with my family, school and community.
I will make every effort to maintain pride in my heritage, to succeed in all my endeavors, and to honor the commitments I make.
¡Nunca te rindas!- Never give up!
What is it?
HYLC is a club open to all high school students. The club is design to meet concerns and needs of Hispanic students. There are other HYLC chapters in Modesto and the surrounding communities that are all sponsored by the Hispanic Leadership Council (HLC) of Stanislaus County, a service club made up business and professional people of various ethnicity, and registered with the Boy Scouts of America as an Explorer program.
What is the purpose of the club?
There are several key purpose:
Leadership Development- The opportunity for youth to lead in various capacities within their club to make it fun and worthwhile for the whole membership.
Career Awareness- Presentations by speakers of various career fields, and what it takes to get there.
Cultural Awareness- Learning Latino/Hispanic history and background.
Service to the Community- Doing activities that serve others in the community.
Social Activities- Club planned events and activities designed to just have fun and to get to know others in the club.
Encouraging Education- We advocate finishing high school and encourage and support continuing education after high school. (The HLC has a scholarship program available for registered HYLC members.)
How do we meet these purposes?
Our Activities include trips to museums, culture expos, colleges, places of interest and places. Speakers from various professions make presentation; members become involved in various community projects including “Buena Vida, Buena Salud” health fair sponsored by the Hispanic Leadership Council. There are meeting and activities with just your club, plus there are activities and events involve all of the HYLC chapters.
Who runs the club?
The club is student run with assistance –as needed- from an adult advisor from the Hispanic Leadership Council and the assistance of a school liaison, usually a teacher. There is a board of student officers that are voted into office by the membership. The officers put into motion the activities the members want to do, and make sure we are meeting the purpose of the club. The officers conduct the meeting and organize committees to accomplish event planning. As a member, you will be to assist or organize events and participated in fund-raisers.
When will we elect officers?
Election of officers (for the coming school year) usually takes place during the month of May, but no later than the second to last meeting in June, as recommended by the HLC, so that the officers and Advisors will be available for training in August. The duties of these officers become effective when school opens after summer break.
Upcoming HYLC Meetings/Events: