Greater Yosemite

Scouting News

Fall, 2014

Youth Protection Mandate

A word from the Scout Executive…

By now, many of you have received either attached to an e-mail or via regular mail a Memo issued through the Council regarding Youth Protection...


Sierra Valley District News

Sierra Valley District News

Read about the successful Merit Badge Midway; one Pack's strategy for getting off to a strong Popcorn Sale start; and a Troop's adventurous 50-Miler in the Yosemite back-country...


Gold Country District News

Greetings Gold Country Scouters!

Check out our latest Eagles and read about two different Troops doing a good turn...



Rio del Oro District News

Rio del Oro District News Fall, 2014

Popcorn is taking over Patterson City Hall...
Charter Renewal time...
Recruit, recruit, recruit...
Yo-Se-Mite OA Chapter's Fall Camporee...
Spook-O-Ree Family Camp at McConnell...


2014 Council Popcorn Sale

2014 Council Popcorn Sale

Check out the Show & Sell standings - top 10 Packs and top 10 Troops!!


Order of the Arrow


Don't miss out on Fall Fellowship...


Training Update
So What's New in Training?! v . . . so what's it all about???


Eagles Nest

Congratulations to our newest eagle scouts in the months of July and August ...


World Jamboree 2015


Odds are 19 out of every 20 people you meet at the 2015 World Scout Jamboree will be from a country other than the United States.


Commissioners' Corner

Commissioners’ Corner

Attention ALL Commissioners…

You are invited to attend a Council-wide Commissioners’ Summit

Saturday, November 8th from 10am—noon (lunch provided)

Topics to include:


Youth Protection Mandate

2015 Unit Service Plan

Venturing News

There is a LOT happening in VENTURING!!!

New requirements and training, VOA, REACH and PowderHorn...what's it all about?!


Gold Dust Scout Shop

Gold Dust Scout Shop News Flash!!!

Introducing the all new POP-UP STORE...

Learn more... 

Silver Beaver Nominations
Silver Beaver Nominations now being accepted!
Learn more... 
WAM Memories!!!
Check out some fantastic pictures of one Pack's adventure at Mensinger!
Check out the photos
Lost & Found from Camp


Numerous items were separated from their owners over the course of our Council’s various summer camps.

If you think one of those items might belong to you or your Scout you may contact Barbara Evers at (209)566-7704.

All items unclaimed by November 1st will be passed along to an appropriate donation site.


Follow us on Social Media!
Make sure to like ALL our facebook pages:
Camp John Mensinger Pendola Sierra Adventure Base

Check out our Pinterest page!