There is a LOT happening in VENTURING!!!
The NEW Venturing award requirements have been released! The Handbook for Venturers, Venturing Advisor Guidebook, and the Venturing Awards and Requirements Book are due in our Scout shop any day now. Also, ALL the new books can be downloaded to your Kindle via Amazon.com! ALSO, there will be a class offered at the upcoming University of Scouting (Saturday, November 22nd) that will specifically address all the new changes in the Venturing program — you don’t want to miss out!
There is NEW training for Venturing Advisors and Venturing Committee Members.
Venturing Advisor Position Specific Training and Crew Committee Challenge is being offered at the Gold Country Training Day on Saturday, October 25th. Go the www.yosemitescouting.org to register!
Hello Venturing Leaders!!
The mission of the Venturing Officers Association is to promote and support the Venturing program, utilizing a standard organizational structure that enables local councils to grow membership by advancing leadership opportunities through communication, program, and administration.
The Greater Yosemite Council Venturing Officers Association (VOA) fulfills the mission above by working to provide fun and exciting activities for all Venturers throughout the council on an annual basis. The term of office for an officer in the VOA is one year and lasts from May 1 until April 30 of the following year. Each member of the VOA must be a registered member of a Venturing Crew and must be under the age of 21 for his or her entire term of office. For a list of position descriptions for each of the VOA Officers, click here.
Each Venturing Crew President is a voting member of the Council Venturing Officer's Association. We want to encourage EVERY Crew President to join us at VOA Meetings to help set the course for Venturing activities in the Greater Yosemite Council. It's your program; provide your input to make the events you want to see happen actually come to happen.
We are trying to restore our council's VOA program and are currently looking for youth that are interested in providing leadership for venturers and venturing crews in the council.
If you have someone on your crew that would be remotely interested please share this letter with them and invite them to the next meeting on Wednesday, November 5th at the council office.
Once we establish a FULL VOA, I will be looking for adult leaders to support each youth on the cabinet. The VOA is structured just like your crew is in a sense that each youth has a supporting advisor for guidance and support.
Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!
Scouting Forever and Venturing On!
Yours in Venturing,
Cindy Vander Ploeg|Greater Yosemite Council
Venturing Officers Association Advisor
Visit us on facebook!
Greater Yosemite Council Venturing
Venturing at the Regional Area…
The Western Region Area 3 is hosting a full day of training for venturers and venturing advisors on Saturday, October 18th in San Bruno.
Register for REACH here: http://www.redwoodbsa.org/Event.aspx?id=215

Powder Horn 2014!
Greater Yosemite Council had a total of 11 participants and staff attend a Powder Horn course this summer! Powder Horn is designed to expose participants to 'high adventure' activities and give them the resources to bring these types of activities to their own unit.
Weekend #1 was held at Camp Hi-Sierra and weekend #2 at Camp Chesebrough. There were a multitude of activities that the participants were able to expose themselves to. Anything from kayaking, archery, black powder, High C.O.P.E. (think ropes course in the air!), geocaching, and SCUBA. There were close to 25 activities that they had the opportunity to participate in and get resources on!

GYC PowderHorn Participants/Staff, l-r: Bear Ventress, Paul Acosta, Lourdes Baker, Renee Acosta, Jenni Long, Steve Macedo, Cindy Vander Ploeg, Wendy deGroot, Megan Williams, Scott Vander Ploeg, and Allen Mooney.