Friends of Scouting - Charter MemberJames E. West FellowshipFriends of Scouting - Sustaining Member

WAM 2014

WAM 2014
Last Day To Register
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In a Galaxy Far, Far Away...

Attention all Padawans, Jedi Training begins on the Forest Moon Mensinger, Star Date:  July 20 - 24, 2014.  This special 5 day/4 night Jedi Training Camp is open to all new and returning Padawans (Webelos scouts).  Specific directions to Forest Moon Mensinger are available under the Camping tab on the Council website.  Padawans and their guardians need only bring personal clothing and a sleeping bag.  Everything else -- tent, food, program -- is provided.  In addition to expert Jedi Training, Padawans will have the chance to earn a variety of activity pins, and take part in a bunch of really awesome cultural activities common on the forest Moon Mensinger.

Boys can attend wtih a group or with a parent.  Two-deep leadership is required for any adult bringing a child other than their own son.  All groups of Padawans and Guardians (Packs/Dens) must adhere to a strict 1 - 4 ration of leaders to campers.

First 2 Leaders are free for every Pack sending a minimum of 8 Webelos to WAM, with an additional free leader for every 4 Webelos above 8.

Make your reservations Now!

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$125.00 per Adult
$125.00 per Den Chief
$220.00 per Scout
Cancellation Policy
Refund Policy: All fees are non-refundable with the exception of a death in the immediate family or a doctor's excused illness in which all but $100 (Scout) or $50 (Adult/Den Chief) will be refunded. Requests must be submitted in writing with a doctor's excuse. Refund requests can be submitted at anytime and no refund requests will be awarded after September 1, 2014.